In-Campus Ladies Batch Start from 20.02.2025, 1 Tailoring and Fashion Designing , 2. Zardosi Maggam Works,3. MS-OFFICE
Aims and Objectives
Aims and objectives of the institute
  1. To identify, orient, motivate, train, encourage and assist the unemployed rural/urban youth to take up self  employment as a career.
  2. To promote rural / urban entrepreneurship and nurture entrepreneur talents.
  3. To conduct research, experiments, technology transfer in agriculture and allied activities to farmers.
  4. To take up capacity building to rural women and promote women empowerment.
  5. To train rural level workers in various aspects of rural development.
  6. To take up event management for sale of products developed by entrepreneurs, counseling and project consultancy.
  7. To arrange for exhibitions of the products prepared by the trainees, for marketing.
  8. To do other acts and carry on such other activities as are necessary and incidental for the effective implementation and due fulfillment of the objectives of the society as the Governing Body may decide from time to time.
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